Sunday, February 1, 2009


Post an anonymous comment with information regarding clerkship interviews, hirings, vacancies, and the like, regarding Connecticut state court judges.


  1. CT Supreme Court started calling for interviews yesterday. So far, I know that Palmer, Rogers, and Vertefuille have started calling. No word on the others.

  2. Zarella is calling also.

  3. Let's here some McLachlan news.

  4. He interviewed on the third, but did not hire at that point. Several of the other justices were finished by the end of that week.

  5. Anyone hearing from the Appellate Court?

  6. Appellate Court hasn't started yet.

  7. Talked to a friend who is a clerk on the app. ct. today...and according to her, a bunch of the current clerks are planning on sticking around for another year, since the market is so bad. I'm guessing there will be 10 or so fewer spots than there usually are.

  8. Is McLachlan done ?

  9. Is anyone hearing from the Appellate Court yet?

  10. Appellate Court will be letting people know later this week. They generally schedule a week or so in advance, and interviews are on the 7th and 8th.

  11. I haven't gotten word yet.

  12. Appellate Court started letting people know today. They do so by email. This will continue tomorrow.

  13. How do you know this? Are you a present clerk?

  14. I am, and I went through the process last year. Notification is done via email, with some judges sending out emails today, the rest tomorrow. I believe today was the individual judges and tomorrow will be the pool judges, but I could be wrong.

  15. Well there must have been fewer spots, because I don't know anyone who has been contacted for an interview and my school usually places very well on the Appellate Court.

  16. Any interviews? With who?

  17. There must have been a third of the slots available this year that were last year.

  18. interviews are out today!

  19. Someone I know received an interview with Judge Cockburn.

  20. your mother had that interview.

  21. Your mother is cocksucking pig

  22. How does it feel not to get an interview? A person like you doesn't deserve
    one. Good luck finding a job. You need it.

  23. I have a job you insecure nothing.

  24. But not an interview like you wanted. Keep your job chasing ambulances.

  25. Is it your intention to demean personal attorneys as a class? You are engaging in the same sort of flawed logic that made racism and sexism such a pervasive problem in this country's history. It is because of people like you that lawyers get a bad rap. You denigrate and look down on people for fabricated reasons. I truly pity you, both as a prospective attorney and as a human being. If you can't past your own cloud of filth, then just end it now.

  26. Big words and complete sentences. Nice! Still, no interview. Alas. Especially from someone who is willing to equate being called an ambulance chaser with sexism and racism. Wow. What an addition you would have made.

  27. Alas! You still conflate an interview on an intermediate level state appellate court with some sort of justification for elitist views. So I guess when you are vacuuming the carpet in the file room of a big law firm in 5 years, you will maintain the high ground and continue to denigrate people who decided to take their own slice from day one while advocating for the injured. Sad. I wish you all the best with that world view.

  28. I can't get over your sudden rise from the gutter. From
    calling my mother unspeakable names to impassioned pleas for the down trodden personal INJURY (you forgot that word) attorney.
    Rising above it, I will only say that there
    is a good reason people like you don't get interviews for clerkships. Judges can see bs walking from a mile away.

  29. Wonder of wonders. Your small mind chastises me for denegrating poor poor attorneys, yet you continue to insult and abuse me. At least I have been up front from the start. You are a crude moron. The court and any carpet in a
    file room is better off without your treading upon it.
    By the way, you still have no interview. Hahahahaha.

  30. That's right, pour over my typing skills to attack my reasoning.

  31. You lack both. Much like you lack an interview.

  32. And you lack the maturity of a person over the age of 5. You live in a sand castle that will come crashing down very soon.

  33. Coming from someone who called my
    mother what you did, that hurts.
    But I am bouyed by the fact that you have no
    interview!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!

  34. Did I ever say I that I did not have an interview? I guess you just made that up to make yourself feel better. I love busting people's chops. I love to see how worked up people in law school get about this garbage. You displayed my point perfectly. Thanks

  35. Your welcome. You mastermind. You puppeteer. You evil
    Have fun NOT interviewing. We both know you won't

  36. The invisible hand.

  37. You guys should just duke it out.

  38. Not worth it. If you thought this was bad, you should see some of the other threads I invaded.

  39. Any tips for an interview? Read an opinion or two?

  40. If this was the CT Supreme Court then yes, but I don't that's necessary for this court. They do not really make law in the sense that Supreme Court does.

  41. Then, what do they do?

  42. They take alot of direct mandatory appeals from criminal proceedings and such. But I'm saying that it is less ideology motivated than the Supreme Court so you probably do not need to read opinions. Plus, it is a three judge panel, sort of like the circuit courts. But, hell, if you want to feel better, read some decisions.

  43. Interviews tomorrow. Post what went down. I graduate next year and want some real time real insights. Come on!

  44. You need to read the different kinds of cases that the court sees. Habeas cases (ineffective assistance of counsel), direct criminal (insufficiency of evidence) vop (findings of court were clearly erroneous) trp (did court err in concluding that mom has failed to rehabilitate to such degree. . ....
    Read smart. Read judges bios on the webpage. Read a book they wrote.
    Understand final judgment. Adequate record for review. SOR. Waiver. Ambuscade. Evidentiary vs constitutional.
    Tool for the practitioner. Tool for the trial judge. Guides and markers. Direction and form. Tradition and innovation to resolve that which is presented for review, no more' no less. ( : - P >

  45. I had two interviews today, and I have three tomorrow. Neither of today's judges gave a rat's ass about whether or not I had read any of their cases, or knew anything about the appellate court and procedure. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar or a fool. They're looking for solid writers and researchers, and people who are generally not complete freakshow law students. Both judges I met with today said that they prefer to hire people who had some sort of real world experience, not people who went undergrad>law school, since law school teaches you jack shit when you get right down to it.

    Good luck.

  46. Really easy interviews.

  47. To the person who says they had 2 interviews on day and 3 the next, what drives you to lie on a blog anonymously?

  48. Why would I lie? Gruendel and West one day, Harper, Lavine, Robinson the next.

    Just because you only had one interview doesn't mean others didn't have several. I know of two other people who had 3+ interviews. Sorry it didn't really work out for you.

  49. Do you honestly think that people who REALLY know what is going on, don't read this blog as well?
    Do I have to spell it out for you? Ask yourself this question: who might possibly KNOW you are lying?
    For example: you yourself listed five people who, at least in theory, would KNOW you are lying.
    Can your big lying brain think of any others?

  50. I don't see what the big deal is. I had interviews with Gruendel, Bishop, Flynn, DiPentima, Harper, Robinson, Lavine, Beach, Alvord, plus all the JTRs. At once. I'm that awesome, just like the guy above. Oh, and I got offers from all of them, which I accpeted. I'm going to do the work of 20 men this year, because I'm so much better than all of you.

  51. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  52. First, I got called with an offer today. I also known another student who took an offer. I don't think that means all of the judges called, but they are calling now.

    Second. To whoever posted: "Why would I lie? Gruendel and West one day, Harper, Lavine, Robinson the next." ..... are you a moron or something? The secretary had a schedule with everyone who's interviewing on it. Basically what I'm trying to say, is anyone at the court can now tell who you are, should they care to see who interviewed with those five judges on those two days.

  53. I know that some judges gave one week for their hiring timeline, but I also heard that some gave two weeks. I'd imagine most people are going to hear either today or tomorrow, but I think a few will take longer than that.

  54. False. They all pick together. There's no reason for them to delay notifying you. If they do delay it, they know they risk losing a candidate to another job in the interim (even in this terrible economy). You'll know soon enough, but it def won't take a few weeks.

  55. All the judges made their calls today. Congrats to those who got in.

  56. so what do people know about the hiring process for the superior court??

  57. Any news about Superior Court? Are they interviewing?

  58. Anyone know when offers will be extended for the Superior Court?

  59. Has anyone heard from the Superior Court? It's march...

  60. Nothing yet but they did say late March/early April. Ugh!

  61. We're all screwed.

  62. Why do you say that? Is there any sort of news beyond what we all already know?

  63. To me they had said mid-March, but that was back over the winter. Haven't heard from them since :(

  64. Received and accepted my offer last week. Good luck to everyone else : )

  65. Great, I guess that means they made offers. Boo.

  66. I was told at the second round interview that everyone (offers and rejections) would be made at the same time. So I think that person may be full of shit.

  67. I called last week and they told me I would hear later in the month, probably at the very end of the month. Has anyone heard anything?

  68. That's consistent with what I've heard.

  69. @ 3/26 9:03 AM -- I agree. That person is most likely full of shit. I know several people (from my school alone) who are waiting. None of us have heard anything. This is getting rediculous.
    @ 3/26/ 11:21 AM -- Did they say we'd hear before April? Any other info.?

  70. I called about a week and a half ago, they said I would hear at the very end of the month...I would like to hear sometime soon, but wouldn't be surprised if I/we didn't till early April.

  71. Scratch that last the rejection letter today...good luck to everyone else.

  72. Rejected today too! Pretty depressing. Good luck to everyone who's waiting. I don't know who you have to be this year to get a clerkship in the Northeast...
