Thursday, January 1, 2009

Comments, Complaints, or Compliments

Please post general comments, complaints, and compliments here. Or write us at:


  1. As a former bankruptcy law clerk (for U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Maggiore and Chief Bankruptcy Judge Caldwell), I think this is one of the coolest ideas ever! It's not so easy for most folks to find out about clerkships.

    Nice work, and keep up the good work!

    p.s. "Blogger Emeritus" is also the coolest concept I've run into today.

    p.p.s. I'm going to list your website on my blogroll, just because I want it to get as much visibility on the web as possible.

  2. Many thanks for the kind words and for the post over at your blog. The credit for the coolness of the idea though goes entirely to our Blogger Emeritus.

  3. There is a spammer (including it appears Julie up there) posting in every single category...just an FYI.

  4. Many thanks for the heads-up, we'll get on it.

  5. I just have a general question:

    My law school is trying to develop better reimbursement policies for clerkship applicants. I know some schools reimburse for postage, some for postage and flights. Have you heard of other policices regarding reimbursing applicants for their expenses?

    Any info is very much appreciated. Thanks!

  6. I haven't per se, but I know many judges have their own policies regarding reimbursement, which can often vary wildly from one to another. You might try posting this question in the "General Clerkship Issues" forum for a broader scope of responses.

    As far as developing a school policy, my only recommendation would be to survey the law schools most closely competitive with or similar to your own regarding what their policies are. My hunch is that student reimbursement is likely the first benefit to be cut from tight school budgets during this fiscal year! Good luck.

  7. Thanks for the response!

  8. I am a current term clerk to a bankruptcy judge. I would like to work in a bankruptcy department at a big firm. When should I start sending out applications?

  9. Particularly in this economy, I would make contact with potential employers of any stripe early and often. Contact from your judge may be the most effective however. I'm of the opinion that you have much more leverage while you are still clerking than after.

    Consider posting this question on the General Clerkship Questionspage as well. Best of luck!

  10. Nice website, thanks for posting and maintaining it.

    Is there a way to keep new windows (or tabs) from popping up when I select a new category of judge? I'm using Firefox, and when I select a new state or jurisdiction, it opens in another tab.
